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Law and Politics

Gabieva, S.M., Keramova, S.N. On the issue of constitutional legal protection of rights of children in the Russian Federation

Abstract: The article is aimed at formulating propositions in order to improve the Russian legislation in this sphere, as well as analysis of the generally recognized international norms implemented into the Russian legislation. The object of studies includes norms of international law in the sphere of protection of rights of children, norms of constitutional legislation, and practice of their implementation. The study has shown that the process of development of legislation on the protection of the rights of children is simultaneously influenced by a number of factors, including social and economic changes, the abrupt change in the values of the society, social instability. The authors offer to amend the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Judicial System of the Russian Federation”. The author contains conclusions on the need for legislative regulation of the status of the Plenipotentiary on the Rights of Children in the Russian Federation and its constituent subjects and also to adopt a Federal Law “On Juvenile Justice in the Russian Federation”.


protection of the rights of children, international norms, legislation, state, legal guarantees, society, state policy, constitution, plenipotentiary on human rights, juvenile justice.

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