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Law and Politics

Sevoyan, D.G., Mishunina, A.A. Experience and problems in the sphere of preservation of constitutional right of peoples for native language as guaranteed by the municipal units

Abstract: The issues of implementation of local guarantees of the constitutional right of peoples to their native language at the level of town, city district, or municipal district became especially topical after the Federal Law “On amendments to some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in part of Competence and Responsibility of Municipal Self-Government Bodies and their Officials in the Sphere of Relations among the Nations” came into force. The analysis of municipal legal acts of 82 municipal entities, and 21 constituent subject of the Russian Federation allowed the authors to single out some positive traits in the sphere of guarantees for the preservation of native languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation in the activities of the municipal self-government bodies in the municipal units, where the representatives of native small-numbered people reside. In the opinion of the author the attention should be paid to the experience of municipal entities within the Republics of the Russian Federation, where the municipal bodies develop and implement target programs in order to provide extra guarantees of the preservation of native languages. Finally, the authors draw a conclusion on the need to amend Art. 7 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Languages of the Peoples of the Russian Federation”.


implementation of a constitutional right, preservation of native language, Russian language, local issues, target programs, national and cultural autonomy, laws, constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, national minorities, native small-numbered peoples.

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