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Law and Politics

Platonova, N. I. Financing of political parties: concept, types, and features

Abstract: The legislature is being neglectful in relation to party financing. The legislation of the Russian Federation lacks a definition of the corresponding concept. In order to promote the transparency of party financing as a way to fight political corruption, it is necessary not only to identify gaps in legal regulation, but also to perfect such regulation by encouraging the further development of legislation controlling the financing of political parties. Russian legislative controls over the financing of political parties are largely consistent with international norms and standards. However, they are cumbersome, in the sense that these issues are regulated by a substantial number of different laws, which in turn leads to difficulties of enforcement. Moreover, there are significant differences between the various types and methods of party financing, as well as between the various applicable laws. In this regard, it is appropriate for a single piece of legislation to be developed, the scope of which covers all issues in relation to financing of political parties.


political parties, aims of party activities, the current activities of political parties, party funding, types of party financing, current financing of political parties, electoral funds, sources of party funding, donations, limits on the size of donations

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