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Law and Politics
Malyutin, R.A. (2013). Philosophy and politics: the experience of comparing
methodologies based upon an example of the dialogue
between Alexander Kozhev and Leo Strauss. Law and Politics, 10, 1408–1414.
Malyutin, R.A. Philosophy and politics: the experience of comparing methodologies based upon an example of the dialogue between Alexander Kozhev and Leo StraussAbstract: The article is devoted to the methodological problems of political sciences. Based on an example of the polemics between Leo Strauss and Alexander Kozhev, the author shows the key working methods of modern researchers, and their weak spots. The author also provides analysis of the causes of the problems and potentially productive options for their resolution. The author takes the development of economic sciences as a reference point. The political science has been institutionalized only recently, and it still uses the philosophical vocabulary, that is why its achievements sound archaic compared to achievements of other humanities. The lacking involvement of mathematics, neurosciences, statistics, etc. causes loss and stagnation of knowledge. The typical thesis on power written in the early XXI century rarely differs from the theses, which appeared two to four centuries ago. Esoteric and philosophic tendencies are being criticized as harmful and thwarting further progress. Keywords: literature, criticism, statistics, knowledge, cognition, development of science, methodology, power, philosophy, politics, interdisciplinary studies.
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