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Law and Politics

Kukharuk, V.V. Problems of criminal law protection of health of the people: analysis, current conditions, ways to overcome

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the criminal law guarantees of substance turnover within the framework of international law (conventional) obligations of a state and law-making traditions in the sphere of health safety of the population. The substance turnover is recognized as an element to a factor complex, which expresses itself by formation and development of illnesses and other harmful consequences, which are dangerous for life or health of persons. The author analyses the entire list of substances, which may be objects of crimes, as provided for in the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Taking psychoactive substance under Chapter 25 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as an example, the author follows the history of development of criminal legislation in the sphere of public health safety in the international legal and comparative legal contexts, and shows the contradictions within the spheres of criminal legal regulation of the public health protection, which inevitable appeared and continued to express themselves when the generally recognized terms of international law were not implemented. Based upon a retrospective analysis of the definition-related specific features of psychoactive drugs, the author expresses an opinion on the need to create a theory of criminal law classification of substance harmful to the population, where one of the criteria for this group should be psychoactive nature of a substance.


precursor, intoxicating substances, psychoactive substances, psychedelic substances, analogues to narcotic substances, narcotic substances, illegal turnover, public health, criminal policy

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