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Law and Politics

Narutto, S.V. Federal parliament responsibility

Abstract: The author considers that implementation of legislatively enshrined functions by any government body or official may be evaluated from the standpoints of efficiency, propensity for corruption, constitutional lawfulness. Their evaluation as unsatisfactory causes responsibility. That is why, it is reasonable to raise an issue of parliamentary responsibility, while the specific feature of this body is that it is a national people representation institution. Inefficient parliamentary work causes serious, and sometimes irreversible social consequences. The article contains analysis of the constitutional mechanism for dissolving the State Duma by the President of the Russian Federation. The author evaluates the opinions of the scholars on whether dissolution of the lower chamber of parliament is a legal responsibility measure. The author concludes that the representative nature of parliament presupposes its responsibility to the people itself, and not to the President of the Russian Federation. The grounds for dissolution of the State Duma are not related to constitutional offences, and its dissolution does not lead to disqualification of the deputies, they are not losing their passive electoral right. That is why the author evaluates dissolution of the State Duma as a political sanction, which is legally based upon the relevant norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The author also analyzes the attempts of judicial evaluation of the constitutional legal issues of obliging the parliament to view the legislative draft and violations of parliamentary procedures. The author raises the issue of parliament responsibility for the legislative policy, and she turns to the issue of the untimely filling of the gap, which was formed after the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation recognized the legislative norms unconstitutional. In order to overcome this problem, the author offers to provide the President of the Russian Federation with the right for the operative regulation in order to implement the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and fill the gap. Once the relevant Federal Law is passed, the Decree of the President should be repealed.


parliament, responsibility, dissolution, political, court, legal draft, sanction, representative, gap, chamber.

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