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Law and Politics

Sosnovskiy, V.V. Review on the book by K.N. Averin, L.N. Guriev “Legal protection of forests: comparative legal analysis”

Abstract: The monograph is devoted to a highly topical problem of legal protection of forests, as a component of biological variety, an environmental element, and one of the necessary condition for human life-sustainment, income into budget, and provisions of industrial raw materials. The authors have held an in-depth analysis of legislation and lawenforcement practice in Russia, the EU, and some EU Member States, including France and Italy, as well as in some African states. Much attention is paid to the legal protection of forests in the Komi Republic, which is one of the richest constituent subjects in the Russian Federation in the forestry sphere. Such a choice of legal systems for comparative analysis is currently quite popular in forensic studies and criminal law, when the comparison of common and specific features of legal regulation in states, having different political and economical situations, but facing the same problems, or being interested in solving these problems, is held.


legal protection of forests, the Komi Republic, legal systems, tendencies, goals, perspectives, new regulation of use of forests, administrative reforms, environmental value of forests, prevention of arson, prophylactics of violations of law, forest resources.

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