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Law and Politics
Kalyuzhnaya, D.E. (2013). Formation of a global environmental policy:
achievements, errors and risks. Law and Politics, 9, 1182–1194.
Kalyuzhnaya, D.E. Formation of a global environmental policy: achievements, errors and risksAbstract: The author evaluates the global environmental policy as a system of political management of environmental situation and global allocation of natural resources with the participation of global political actors and global goalsetting. The article shows the key stages of the formation of global environmental policy in its current forms, as well as the systemic roots of the social and political conflict regarding the international political activities in the environmental sphere. The author expresses an opinion that the lack of efficient international cooperation on environment protection issues is due to the conceptual lop-sidedness of the modern sustainable development strategy, since in practice it allows for the functioning of a range of social and economic sub-systems within the frameworks of outdated models of non-sustainable development. In spite of the fact that organized international environmental activity was formed before the concept of sustainable development, one may discuss the so-called sustainable environmental policy within the framework of a complex strategy of civilization transfer to sustainable development, defining its fundamental principles and contents. Keywords: environmental policy, sustainable development, global problems, environmentalism, global development, social environmental justice, sustainable environmental policy, climatic skepticism, environment protection, political model of sustainable development.
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