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Law and Politics

Kolomeets, N.E. Constitutional legal bases for the implementation of the rights of citizens in the sphere of territorial structure of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation by the people

Abstract: Along with the changes in the territorial basis for the municipal self-government in the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, there appears a practical need to change administrative territorial structure. Its implementation calls for establishing correlation of the powers of the state bodies of the constituent subjects to make independent decisions on it administrative and territorial structure and the imperative requirements of the legislation on municipal self-government. It is pointed out in the article that there’s certain autonomy in the process of changing administrative and territorial structure, when an administrative territorial unit includes territory of several municipal units. One of the most important challenges for the developing Russian statehood is to overcome alienation between a citizen and the state. The author evaluates the issues of regulations on administrative territorial structure of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation and the procedures of evaluation of the public opinion on the changes in administrative and territorial structure. Based on the results of the analysis, the author notes that the regulations are not sufficiently uniform and they have weak conceptual framework, both in their contents and legal technique, requiring broadening. This matter makes involvement of the federal legislator into the process of legal regulation of the administrative and territorial structure of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation so topical.


administrative and territorial structure, constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, imperative referendum, consultative referendum, public hearings, conferences, meetings, gatherings, human rights, municipal self-government.

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