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Law and Politics

Polubinskaya, S.V. Medical law in a modern state.

Abstract: The review on the book by A.A. Rer icht “Theoretical Bases for Medical Law. Problems of formation and development. (M. INION RAN, 2011, 214 p.) provides for importance and topicality of this book. The monograph is one of rare works in the Russian legal studies, which is devoted to the theoretical issues of medical law, such as definition of the medical law, object and methods of legal regulation, principles of medical law, independence and system of medical law, correlation of medical law with other branches of law. The author of the book aims to develop the theory of medical law, in order to facilitate its formation as a whole, developed and efficient legal branch, which would meet the needs of modern Russian health service. The structure of the book, which includes a preface and three chapters, allows the author to express a position on the theory of medical law in detail. The narrative logic moves from the social basis for the medical law through the theoretical categories, providing for its independence, to the legal institutions within a branch of law. The book clearly expresses the position of an author on all of the topical issues, regarding definition of medical law, object of its regulation and its place in the legal system. It is quite fair, that the central category of medical law, defining its social purpose, includes medical activities in combination with other guaranteeing activities. The book is based upon analysis of a number of Russian and foreign legal sources, Russian and foreign legislation and judicial practice. The book clearly shows that development of theory of medical law, which would duly ref lect its nature, goals and social functions, is no less important for the modern health service, than formation of the legal basis.


health service, legislation on health, medical activity, medical law, object of regulation, methods of legal regulation, principles of medical law, system of medical law, theory of medical law, institutions of medical law.

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