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Law and Politics

Nafikova, G.A. Specific features of interrogation of witnesses and victims in court in the conditions excluding visual observation.

Abstract: The general guarantees of criminal process provide for the complex of conditions, facilitating the comprehensive and objective procedure on criminal cases. The further development of the guarantees may be found in the measures regarding support of rights and freedoms of person and citizen in the criminal judicial procedure. The problem of implementation of the principle of protection of rights of persons and citizens is related to the guarantees of subjective rights and lawful interests of an individual. One of the key guarantees for the witness and victim on criminal case is a guarantee of security throughout the process on criminal case, including the judicial stages. This security guarantee should include protection and psychological support.


jurisprudence, witness, victim, interrogation, security, visual, observation, choleric, melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic.

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