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Law and Politics

Akopdzhanova, M.O. Modern criminal law policy of Russia.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the studies of specific features of the modern criminal law policy of the Russian Federation and the key directions for its improvement. It is noted in the article, that the criminal law policy of the state should be formed with due consideration for the scientific recommendation, and it should be based upon the theoretical positions of scientists, especially those specializing in forensic studies. The modern condition of the Russian criminal law policy has many specific features, which are not typical for the previous stages of development of the Russian science of criminal law. One of such specific features is a complicated multi-faceted character of the state anti-criminal policy, which was formed as a reaction to the evolution of crime. The strengthening of the social element of the modern legal policy, development of sciences (both humanitarian and technical), which allow to uncover the traces of crime may provide due response to the modern crime. The article includes the conclusion that the modern criminal law policy is a complex multi-aspect activity of the state bodies, which is aimed upon solution of the criminal law goals on protection of individuals, society and state from the criminal encroachments.


jurisprudence, politics, legislation, reforms, development, principles, guarantees, categories, crimes, legal order.

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