Law and Politics
Sidorov, S.A., Sidorov A.S. (2013). Theoretical bases for the mechanism for the formation
of the Russian state police based upon systemic approach. Law and Politics, 7, 889–898. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=52006
Sidorov, S.A., Sidorov A.S. Theoretical bases for the mechanism for the formation
of the Russian state police based upon systemic approach.
The article is devoted to the theoretical bases of
the formation of state policy of the Russian Federation
in the Far East. The author comes to a conclusion that
strategic priority of the state government include, firstly,
preservation of the state and modernization; secondly, a
transfer to the intensive strategy of historical development,
following the strategy of equidistance from the
global leaders with an accent on manipulative use of
contradictions between the force centers.
political science, systemic approach, national state interests, threats, bordering region, levels of coordination, state policy, strategy, equidistance.
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