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Law and Politics

Kolesnikova, Yu. A. Recovery of Living Quarters from a ‘Bona Fide Purchaser’ from the Point of View of the Law Supremacy

Abstract: The present article is devoted to searching the legal solution of the problem when there is a conß ict of a claim of the owner who does not have living quarters and a claim of a bona fide purchaser who owns these living quarters, from the point of view of the law supremacy principle. Legal regulation of the questions of recovery of living quarters from a bona fide purchaser must comply with the three elements of the law supremacy principle: requirement of legal certainty, requirement of legal efficiency and requirement of observing the balance of interests. The research shows that the process of vindication of living quarters from a bona fide purchaser does not comply with the aforesaid requirements. Thus, there is a need in formulating the assessment criteria for withdrawal of living quarters from possession. The author also offers a new method of protecting violated rights of a ‘bona fide purchaser’ and non-owner. In order to apply the law supremacy principle in vindication, the author makes certain suggestions on what changes are needed to be made in civil and housing legislation as well as amendments to Article 302 of the Civil Cod of the Russian Federation.


Law studies, recovery, vindication, living, quarter, owner, supremacy, property, bona fide, purchaser.

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