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Law and Politics

Ratushnaya B. P. The Problems of Motivation of Judicial Decisions in the Ukraine

Abstract: The article studies theoretical and legislative problems of motivation of judicial decisions in the Ukraine. Based on the analysis of the Ukrainian procedural legislation, theoretical researches on the matter and case law of the European Court of Human Rights, the author proves that motivation of judicial decisions along with their legality and justification is one of the important requirements for the quality of judicial decisions. Observation of this requirement shows that the judicial procedure in general and the process of determination of actual circumstances of a case are just and fair. It has also been established that motivation of a judicial act also relates to description of motives as a result of thinking activity based on which the court has made certain decisions. It is stated that except for the Code of Criminal Procedure, Ukrainian court legislation does not have the legal enforcement of an independent demand to provide motivation of judicial decisions. In this respect, the author offers to make certain changes in the procedural legislation of the Ukraine except for the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Ukraine which already has all necessary provisions.


Law studies, law enforcement, requirement, legality, justification, motivation, decision, practice, legislation, court.

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