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Law and Politics

Panfilov, A. N. Protective Acts of Administrative Delictual Legislation of the Russian Federation Constituents in the Sphere of Preservation of Cultural Heritage Resources

Abstract: The article is devoted to enforcing administrative responsibility for violations in the sphere of cultural heritage preservation by the means of the Russian Federation constituents ’ legal acts. Based on the analysis of a wide range of legal resources, the author makes a conclusion about invasion of the regional law-maker into the competence of federal authorities. Constituents’ administrative laws often set out administrative responsibility for violating rules and regulations described by federal legal acts. Preventive acts of regional laws often either contradict to federal regulations or copy them. Due to adopting the Federal law of May 7, 2013 on changes in the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation which shall come into force already in August 2013, there shall be serious transformations and changes in administrative delictual legislation of the Russian Federation constituents.


Law studies, cultural heritage resources, historical and cultural memorials, items of historical and cultural meaning, administrative offence, administrative responsibility, administrative fines, set of elements of an administrative offence, wrongful actions, administrative procedure.

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