Law and Politics
Zholobova, G.A. (2013). Mechanism of legal regulation of the foreign trade
of firearms in the Russian Empire at the verge of
XIX and XX centuries. Law and Politics, 5, 691–699.
Zholobova, G.A. Mechanism of legal regulation of the foreign trade
of firearms in the Russian Empire at the verge of
XIX and XX centuries.
The article includes analysis of the current legislation, as
well as unpublished circulars and instructions of the Police
Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and
archive documents, which are introduced into the scientific
turnover by the author for the first time. It allows to
study the mechanism of legal regulation of private export
and import of firearms in the Russian Empire at the
stage of development of bourgeois relations and spread
of revolutionary tendencies. The article presents unique
Russian experience of combining international, legislative,
departmental and local means of legal regulation of
the firearms trade.
jurisprudence, firearms, trade, limitations, import, export, commercial salesman, governor, police, supervision.
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