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Law and Politics

Avdeeva, M.V. The issues regarding crimes related to the illegal turnover of pornography.

Abstract: The article includes analysis of some issues of qualification and legislative regulation regarding crimes related to the illegal turnover of pornography. The position of the author is based first of all on the need to guarantee the due legal regulation of lawful activities on turnover of pornographic products, which shall allow to deal with the criminal law problems regarding qualification of such crimes. The author points out, that the key steps in this direction include the legislative provisions for the criteria for the absolutely prohibited pornographic products (juvenile sex, sex with animals, sex with violence), and for the relatively allowed pornographic products, which may be used with some limitations. The author analyzes the definitions of pornographic materials and objects, as provided in the latest studies on these issues. Much attention is paid to the legislative elements of pornography, qualifications of the elements of its production and keeping.


jurisprudence, pornography, legalization, Internet, production, spread, keeping, juvenile, qualification, responsibility.

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