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Law and Politics

Terentieva, L.V. Copyright law of Japan in the digital age.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the concept of legal regulation of copyright in Japan in the digital age, as well as to the analysis of correlation of interests of copyright holders and other categories of persons. The article demonstrates how the technological novelties formed the basis for the changes in the model of regulation of copyright in Japan, while preserving the social vector of the copyright law. The article includes the study of a large list of the social limitations in the sphere of copyright. Then the author comes to a conclusion that they are applicable to the digital use of copyrighted work. Additionally to the written rules on copyright limitations, in some cases the legislation of Japan allows for the “free use” of copyrighted work, if it falls within the goals and means of its use, which allows to use the broad approach to the free use of the copyrighted work for the educational, cultural and other goals.


jurisprudence, Japan, copyright, exclusive right, moral rights, Internet, reproduction, regulation, protection, circulation.

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