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Law and Politics

Akmanov, S.S. Credit relations of collective farms at the time of transition in the Russian agricultural economics: historical, agricultural and legal evaluation of dynamics of their development

Abstract: The article deals with the specific features of the credit legal relations of collective farms in the conditions of the transitional economy in the early 1990s. The author demonstrates the regulatory and protective roles of the fifth Draft Charter of a Collective Farm of 1992, Fundamental Bases of the Civil Legislation of the Union of Soviet Republics of December 8, 1961, the Civil Code of RSFSR of 1964 and Fundamental Bases of the Civil Legislation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of May 31, 1991 regarding their provisions on property and some other interests arising from the credit relations of collective farms. The author also justifies the illegitimacy of transferring debts of reorganized collective farms to the rural Executive Committees of the Village Soviet of People’s Deputies.


reorganization, Draft Charter of a Collective Farm of 1992, transfer of debt, commission, recommendations, legal capacity.

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