Law and Politics
Kornaukhova, N.V.
V.N. Leshkov on independence of municipal government
// Law and Politics.
2013. ¹ 4.
P. 553-559.
Kornaukhova, N.V. V.N. Leshkov on independence of municipal government
The article includes analysis of the views of one of the merited
legal scholars of the second half of the XIX century –
V.N. Leshkov, who devoted his work to the issues of selfgovernment
and its independence from the state. While his
concept is not ideal and it has some contradictions, it should
be noted that he was one of the first scientists, who viewed
community as the basis for the self-government, and people
as the moving force of history. His concept has elements of
the social theory of local self-government.
jurisprudence, Leshkov, V.N., self-government, country council, theory, independence, state, society, reform, position.
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