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Law and Politics

Pavlova, Y.I. Specific features of conflict of laws regulation for the pipeline transportation.

Abstract: This article includes analysis of the possible conflict of laws norms, which apply to the pipeline transportation. Much attention is paid to the pipeline transportation as an object of the property complex, the author also singles out the specific features of its subjects, as well as the options for the possible con- flict of laws regulation of pipeline transportation. Each type of transportation has its own specific features in the international law. As it was correctly noted by M.V. Filimonova, one type of the transportation is only regulated by the unified material norms (air transportation), while the other is best regulated with the unified conflict of laws norms, which allow to retain the connect with the “parent” national legal system (railway and automobile transportation); in some cases the universal unification suits it best (air carriers), in other cases it is more reasonable for the regional unification to apply (pipeline transportation, railway transportation).


jurisprudence, conflict of laws, norm, property, complex, pipeline, transportation, transnational, company, regulation.

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