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Law and Politics

Zakrinitskaya, V.A. At the source of the formation of the Russian system of social care for family and children.

Abstract: The goal of this publication is to prove that the Russian historical experience is no less developed, when compared to analogous foreign experiences. Rather, it shows greater degree of development. The article includes analysis of the attempts by the state to structure and to institutionalize the system fro the social care, and in particular, of the formation of the vertical of power, division of competences for managing the system, clear subordination, reporting and control over the activities of its subjects. This analysis includes the main chronological periods for the formation of the system of social care for family and children from the X to the early XX centuries. The study is based on the authentic sources, works of the pre-Revolution and modern scientists, statistical data from the periodicals of late XIX and early XX centuries. The author also analyzes the bibliographic sources, which reflect upon the historiography of subject of study during the above-mentioned period.


jurisprudence, social care, orders, charity, family, children, youth, Russia, legislation, history.

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