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Law and Politics
Soloviev, V.V. (2013). The legal regulation and organization of preliminary
investigation in 1917-1930s. Law and Politics, 3, 392–400.
Soloviev, V.V. The legal regulation and organization of preliminary investigation in 1917-1930s.Abstract: The article is devoted to the legal regulation of preliminary investigation by the NKVD RSFSR after the Soviet rule was established in Russia. The author casts light upon the organization of preliminary investigation as an important part of work of the law-enforcement bodies, since there was a number of revolutions in the early XX century, which caused large-scale changes in economic, political, legal and other spheres of Russian state, and they influenced the system of law-enforcement bodies as well. The People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs as an executive body with vast competence investigated crimes, and its history is of great interest. Currently the system of measures for the support of law and order in Russia as well as for fighting crimes efficiently requires development of preliminary investigation, and this issue remained topical at various historical stages. The scientific work in this sphere is directed at its further development with due consideration of historical experience and its possible current application. The object of the study is the social relations, based on the implementation of functions of preliminary investigation by the NKVD. The sources include laws, by-laws, decrees, acts of the executive bodies, orders of various services and organizations, etc., which regulated the activities of the preliminary investigation by the NKVD RSFSR in 1917-1930s. Keywords: jurisprudence, law, legal order, legality, investigation, commissariat, militia, crime, functions.
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