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Law and Politics

Zhdanov, V.L. The space policy as a sphere of interdisciplinary studies and as an object of political science analysis.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the need to apply inter-disciplinary approach to the studies of the space policy, since the studies in this sphere require the “participation” of many sciences, which are related to space and cosmonautics, as well as classic understanding of the concept of “policy” in all of its varieties. The author analyzes works of the prominent scientist in the sphere of space and space policy, such as V.I. Vernadsky, V.N. Gushin, B.S. Sokolov, and Payson D. The author singles out certain approaches to the space policy, for example functional, comparative, sociological and political – cultural methodologies. He also notes that inter-disciplinary approach and political science analysis have great perspectives in the sphere of studying the space policy.


political science, space policy, inter-disciplinary approach, political science approach, methodological approach, political science paradigm, international relations, relations among the states, geopolitical schools, space activity.

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1. Vernadskiy V.I. Nauchnaya mysl' kak planetnoe yavlenie. – M.: Nauka, 1991. 271 s.
2. Zhdanov V.L. Ekonomicheskie perspektivy kosmicheskoy politiki Rossii na sovremennom etape. – M.; Ekaterinburg, 2009. 121 s.
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4. Payson D.B. Perspektivy rossiyskogo kosmosa. Osnovnye osobennosti paradigmy institutsional'nogo proektirovaniya v oblasti kosmicheskoy deyatel'nosti // Dvigatel'. 2009. ¹ 4 (64)