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Law and Politics

Konovalov, A.O. Some problems related to the implementation of right for access to information on the activities of the courts in Russia (based on the materials from the Siberian Federal District).

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of practice of implementation of the right for access to information in the activities of the courts in the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation within the Siberian Federal District. The author provides results of the study on such types of rights of access, as presence in an open judicial hearing, or provision of information upon the request of information user in the Siberian Federal District. The article also contains the conclusions of the author on the current situation in the sphere of open information on federal courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts and the Department for Administration of Justice in the Siberian Federal Districts. The author also provides suggestions on the improvement of the current legislation and legal practice in the sphere of access to information on the activities of the courts.


jurisprudence, information on the activities of the courts, access to information, request for information, official website, refusal to provide information, photographing, video recording, audio recording, the Department for the Administration of Justice, Siberian Federal District, court.

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