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Law and Politics

Markin, V.Y. Legal regulation of the institution of compulsory execution in the Soviet Russia in 1920-1930s.

Abstract: This article includes brief analysis of some normative acts of 1920s and 1930x, which are devoted to the compulsory execution, and which are important for analysis in the point of view of the author. Most of the article is devoted to analysis of the documents, which in historical science are called “Instructions on Compulsory Execution”, and they not only modernized the executive process, but they also served as a quality basis for the further law-making and unification of the Russian legislation in this sphere. These acts are regarded in their relation to the general tendencies of development of the Soviet state and changes in the judicial system of that time.


bodies of compulsory execution, judicial system, justice, executive process, Instruction of 1929, Instruction of 1934, Instruction of 1939.

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