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Law and Politics

Popov, E.A. Constitutions of the world: the civilization values.

Abstract: The article is devoted to an important issue, which draws attention from lawyers, philosophers, historians, specialists in the fields of social and cultural studies, in which the Constitution is regarded as an object of axiological theses. The traditional view of the Basic Law of the state as a normative legal act, having supreme legal force, is complemented by the need to evaluate the Constitution as a meta-text, which is open for the cultural territory as a civilization value, which establishes the vector for the development of statehood at a particular historic period. The inter-disciplinary character of the interpretation of the phenomenon of the Constitution allows to see the specific social and cultural bindings, which connect society, state, culture and people. Such an approach allows for the use of the findings in order to broaden the heuristic boundaries in cognition of the Constitution as a value and the spiritually consolidating force.


jurisprudence, constitution, society, value, civilization, norm, state, legal conscience, meta-text, being.

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