Law and Politics
Kirichek, A.I.
Forms of political participation and political activity
among the modern Russian youth.
// Law and Politics.
2013. ¹ 1.
P. 75-84.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=51903
Kirichek, A.I. Forms of political participation and political activity
among the modern Russian youth.
The author views the factors, which define the political directions
among the youth, the conventional and non-conventional
forms of political participation of the youth, political specialization.
The author then analyzes social and political positions
and values of the Russian youth. The article includes descriptions
of the key scenarios, which form the basis for the motivation
of political participation of the Russian youth. The author
views the practice of formation and functioning of the youth
Parliamentarism in Russia, and singles out the key forms of
Youth Parliaments. Then the author defines the role of the
modern youth as a subject of politics.
political science, youth, political activities, political participation, youth organization, parliamentarism, politization, society, state.
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