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Law and Politics
Sumachev, A.V. (2012). On the issue of the definition of cultural values and
improvement of the administrative legal regime of their
protection. Law and Politics, 12, 2074–2079.
Sumachev, A.V. On the issue of the definition of cultural values and improvement of the administrative legal regime of their protection.Abstract: The article is devoted to the mechanism of administrative legal protection of cultural heritage and cultural values. The necessary precondition for such activity is the due definition of cultural values. The author of this article defines the terms of "cultural heritage" and "cultural values", as well as administrative means of their protection, based on the systemic approach and the provisions of constitutional, administrative and culture protection legislation. Then she points out the favorable and unfavorable conditions for the greater efficiency of such protection. Then the author analyzes the development of the institutions of administrative law, which are meant to improve administrative legal regime of protection of cultural heritage and cultural values. Keywords: jurisprudence, cultural heritage, archaeological heritage, administrative legal regime, mechanism for administrative legal protection, administrative law, the science of administrative law.
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