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Law and Politics

Ustov, T.P. The investigative acts: characteristic features and specifics of the guarantees of rights of persons, who participate in the procedure at the stage of initiation of the criminal case.

Abstract: This article is devoted to the need to establish the fullscale guarantees of the rights of persons, who take part in the proceedings on criminal cases and whose rights may be limited by procedural means and methods. The author analyzes and compares the points of view of various legal scholars. Currently a number of subjects of legal proceedings are not duly protected, they are unable to prevent violations of their rights and to require their protection and recovery. The terms of investigation activity, their participants, other procedural acts lack due theoretical basis. All the above-mentioned becomes especially topical at the stage of initiation of the criminal case. It is undoubted that the participants of procedural acts at the stage of initiation of the criminal case should have access to a vide spectrum of legal means in order to protect their interests. Therefore, there is need to form procedurally supported mechanisms, which could duly guarantee the rights and freedoms of participants of such actions taking into account the specific features of this stage of criminal procedure.


jurisprudence, investigative activities, initiation of the criminal case, guarantees of rights of participants of investigative activities, suspect, accused, other participants of criminal procedure, criminal law coercion, criminal procedural law, criminal proceedings.

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