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Law and Politics
Morozov, N.V. (2012). Problems of the implementation of the rights
of Russian people to address the human rights bodies. Law and Politics, 11, 1852–1858.
Morozov, N.V. Problems of the implementation of the rights of Russian people to address the human rights bodies.Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems of implementation of the rights of Russian citizens to address the human rights bodies. The author views theoretical and practical problems regarding implementation of the above-mentioned law. The author then attempts to analyze the reasons for the undue implementation of this institution. The right to address is an independent constitutional subjective law, and implementation of the rights, which are guaranteed by the state, is dependent on it. It is pointed out that the nature and value of the institution of the address of people is such, that a citizen satisÞ es his needs to address, and they are not limited to judicial, administrative, prosecution and international structure. This institution has wider scope, and it includes the right to address the notaries, advocates, mass media, municipal bodies, social chambers, social organizations, trade unions and other institutions of the civil society. The article also includes detailed analysis of the implementation of the decisions of the international bodies. The author then offers to have a new Federal Law “On Implementation of the Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and other International Bodies, Activities of Which are Regulated by the International Conventions and Treaties, to which the Russian Federation is a Party” in order to solve some of these problems. Keywords: jurisprudence, rights, citizens, address, state, body, protection, implementation, constitutional, problems.
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