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Law and Politics

Popov, E.A. Specific features of the activities of the services, acting against narcotic addictions of the people.

Abstract: The problem of the narcotic addition of the people draws attention of many social and humanitarian sciences and disciplines, the forensic science, medicine and social science being among the most prominent ones. The article is devoted to the social aspect of the problem, related to the speciÞ c features of the activities of various services, which Þ ght narcotic addictions of the people in Russia. The article includes the variety of expert opinions, which establish the grounds for the efÞ cient or inefÞ cient activities of such services. The key conclusion is that there is need to provide such services with a special social and legal status.


jurisprudence, narcotization, dependency, society, counter-measures, narcotic drug consuming, abuse, healing, rehabilitation.

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