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Law and Politics
Sabitov, M.R., Shkel, S.N.
The mass political protest in modern Russia: dynamics of
development and specific features.
// Law and Politics.
2012. ¹ 10.
P. 1669-1675.
Sabitov, M.R., Shkel, S.N. The mass political protest in modern Russia: dynamics of development and specific features.Abstract: The article includes analysis of the dynamics of the protest activities in the post-Soviet Russia. The author offers to single out Þ ve key periods of the protest movement. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the period from 2005 to 2011 from the point of view of establishing the sources, factors and key determining issues, which laid grounds for the mass political mobilization and a wave of civil protest at the current stage. Then the author points out the key characteristic features and speciÞ c forms of protest activities of the Russians at the current stage. Then the conclusion is made that the protesting people of the current period formed speciÞ c post-modernist requirements, which go beyond material and economic values. The character of social deprivation went beyond the economic framework, and it became impossible to solve the problems by purely economic means. The specter of protest requirements objectively related to the political and governmental relations, and it inevitably caused social and structural prerequisites for the mass political process, which one could observe during the election cycle of 2011 2012. Keywords: political science, protest, politics, participation, citizens, government, mobilization, society, dynamics, actions
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