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Law and Politics

Lichichan, O.P. Specific features of norm-making during the transitional period of the formation of the new constituent subjects of the Russian Federation.

Abstract: This article is devoted to the studies of the procedural aspects of the formation of the new constituent subjects of the Russian Federation during their transitional period. The procedure of law-making and bylaw-making in the new constituent subjects of the Russian Federation at the transitional period have no analogy in the modern constitutional legal practice. They differ both from both the legislative process in the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, and the participation of the regional parliaments in the federal legislative process. The legislative process in the new constituent subjects of the Russian Federation in their transitional period can be implemented by three different ways: application of the normative legal acts of the merging constituent subjects in the entire territory of the merged subject; united law-making by the legislative and government bodies of the merged subjects of the Russian Federation; synchronized normmaking by the legislative and government bodies of the united constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. One may single out Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk and Trans-Baikalian models for the formation of legislation. The speciÞ c sources of legislative process in the newly formed constituent subjects include treaties among the legislative (representative) bodies of the merged subjects, their united Regulations, and the treaties of these bodies with the high ranking ofÞ cials of the new constituent subjects of the Russian Federation.


jurisprudence, federal structure, formation of the new subjects of the Russian Federation, enlargement of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, merging the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, transitional period for the new constituent subjects, legislative process, united law-making, the Federal Constitutional Law, application of normative legal acts of the merged subjects.

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