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Law and Politics

Skornyakov, A.V. Some specific features of application of additional punishment in case of cumulative crimes.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems of application of norms of criminal law, which regard the absorbtion of punishment, partial or non-partial addition of punishment (cumulative sentence) in cases on cumulative crimes. The author stresses the goals of the institution of additional punishment in order to establish their value for the achievement of the result of punishment in general, and in cases of cumulative crimes in particular. The author analyzes various points of view and legislative norms on the establishment of the Þ nal additional punishment in cases where the cumulative crimes took place. The issue of inclusion and adding up similar and differing additional punishment is being studied based on the practical examples. Then the author offers a different interpretation of the part 2 of the Art. 71 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and then offers to provide for independent implementation of different types of additional punishments in cases of combination of crimes.


combination of crimes, additional punishment, cumulative punishment, absorbtion of punishments, the punish ment of different types, the principle of individualization of punish ment.

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