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Law and Politics

Udartsev, S.F. The idea of the cosmic state in the history of political thought.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the history of the idea of the cosmic state in the political thought from the time of the Ancient World to the Russian Cosmism of early XX century. The author evaluates the interpretations of the idea of cosmic state in the ancient mythology, as well as in the works of thinkers from the time of Ancient Greece and Rome to the early XX century (Fedorov, Tsiolkovsky, Agnenko, Ivanitsky, Vernadsky, Roerich, etc.). The ideas of a cosmic state showed and deepened the understanding of unity of the world, the cosmic nature of human being and human kind, prediction and analysis of the coming cosmic era of the humankind and proper political organization for it. The article may be useful for the researchers in the sphere of fundamental problems of nature of the government, specialists in the sphere of legal philosophy, theory of state and law, political science, history of political and legal teachings.


jurisprudence, cosmic state, cosmic civilization, mythology of the Ancient Sumerians, cynics, Plato, Tsiolkovsky, Roerich, Russian cosmism, bio-cosmism.

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