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Law and Politics

Ramazanov, R.U. Avoiding the conflict of interests in state and municipal civil service as an effective way to fight corruption.

Abstract: The article is devoted to analysis of the measures for fi ghting corruption in the governing and managing bodies. The author points out the problems in the sphere of formation of legal and organizational bases for the implementation of legislation against corruption. The author offers to amend the existing laws in the sphere of confl ict of interests. The author also offers to amend the Federal Law “On State Civil Service in the Russian Federation” and the Federal Law “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” in order to improve the legal mechanism in order to better avoid confl ict of interests. The author also offers to make the responsibility of offi cers for the violations of legislation on civil and municipal service more severe.


jurisprudence, corruption, responsibility, legislation, state, confl ict, offi cer, municipal, responsibility, violations, civil.

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