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Law and Politics

Popov, E.A., Maksimova, S.G. Civil society in the modern Russia: regional dimension.

Abstract: The center of the attention for the authors of the article is the regional dimension of the civil society. The modern social and humanitarian knowledge possesses a dynamical discourse on civil society, and scientists in the sphere of law, political science, social studies, and psychology provide their own accents in these studies. In the authors’ point of view the regional level of civil initiative development is important. Use of the methods of applied sociological studies allowed to form a picture for the evaluation of civil society by the people of Altay region of the Russian Federation. It is stressed out that for the most people in the region the civil society is an abstract term, which is hardly present at the practical level.


jurisprudence, society, region, Altay, values, norms, democracy, rule of the people, politics, law.

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