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Law and Politics

Lavrentiev, S.N. Liberalization of the party legislation of Russia: is it democratization, or is it strengthening of the “manageable multi-partisan system”?

Abstract: The article is devoted to the topical issues of transformation of the party system of the Russian Federation during the reforms for the modernization of the party legislation, as implemented by the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev. The author proves that in the period between 2001 and 2006 a special type of party system was formed in Russia: “the manageable multi-partisan system”. In the author’s point of view, while the existing reforms are democratic, they are not capable of suffi ciently changing the existing architecture of the Russian party system due to the objective reasons of political, social and economic character.


political science, party, multi-partisan system, electorate, dissociation, legitimating, incorporation, recruiting, establishment, delegation.

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