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Law and Politics

Romanova, L.I. The review of the book of Wang Shichzhou. Modern criminal law. General part. Textbook. Beijing, the Peking University Publishing, 2011, 330 p. ISBN 978-7-301-19493-5

Abstract: A review of the book “Modern criminal law”, which was written by professor Wang Shichzhou from Peking University (Beijing, 2011) establishes that this textbook is the latest achievement of the Chinese science of criminal law, it extends the results of the global science of criminal law in the last hundred years. Main attention was given to the analysis of Chinese criminal law, its specifi c, original scientifi c concepts, as presented by Professor Wang and understanding of the Russian (Soviet) theory of criminal law by Chinese counterparts.


criminal law, textbook, China, crime, punishment, corpus delicti, social danger.

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