Law and Politics
Tamrazova, E.N.
Specifi c features of functioning of the state power in the Arabian Caliphate during the period
of the rule of the Umayyads
// Law and Politics.
2012. ¹ 5.
P. 991-998.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=51772
Tamrazova, E.N. Specifi c features of functioning of the state power in the Arabian Caliphate during the period
of the rule of the Umayyads
This article deals with the specifi c features of state power in the Arabian Caliphate at the time of the rule of the Umayaads
dynasty (661 – 750 A.C.). The author points out rights and obligations of the Caliph as a spiritual and political leader,
she also analyzes the key aspects of formation of the state caliphate bodies, establishes the problems of cooperation of the
central government and local offi cials. The author comes to a number of conclusions on the specifi c features of functioning
of the state power in the Arabian Caliphate at the time of the rule of the Umayyads.
Caliph, Islam, Ummah, shura, vuphud.
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