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Law and Politics

Rubanik, V.E. The Western European and the Eastern European traditions of court and justice: historical roots of their similarities and differences.

Abstract: The author supports the thesis on historical background and law-based character of differences in the approaches to the formation of judicial systems and justice in the Western and in the Eastern Slavic traditions. The key factors, which infl uenced the formation of this differences, may include differences in legal position of the social classes, place and role of church, cities, correlation of secular and religious power in social and political situation, differences in the mentality, spiritual and legal culture, legal understanding of the Western and the Eastern Slavic societies. These matters in addition to some other factors lead to the formation of Western and Eastern Slavic traditions of court and justice, and some of the differences sustained to this day. At the same time the common goal is to guarantee social order, inner peace and legal protection of interests and rights of people, which can serve as a basis for their consolidation at the current stage of social and political development.


jurisprudence, rights, freedoms, court, justice, judicial activity, the Western tradition of the court, the Eastern Slavonic tradition of the court, history, judicial power.

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