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Law and Politics

Zakharova, I.A. Theoretical and legal aspects of the category “publisher” in the Russian Federation.

Abstract: The Part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation introduced the term “publisher” into scientifi c and practical sphere. The legislator was rather superfi cial towards this institution, which lead to a number of negative situations, such as interchange of the terms “author” and “publisher”, or misunderstandings of its application and its benefi ts among the people. This article includes analysis of the “publisher” as a legal category in Russian civil legislation. The author analyzes the history of its formation, forms of its practical activities and types of responsibility for violations of law by publishers. The modern Russian science fails to distinguish “publisher” from the “author”, and many authors state that the rights of publisher can hardly be applied in practice. The author provides practical advice on the improvement of legal regulation of this type of social relations, offers a new solution for its practical application.


rudence, publisher, author, divulgation, exclusive right, forms of activities of the publisher, types of publisher, responsibility of publisher, allied rights, copyright, intellectual property.

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