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Law and Politics

Voronina, A.S. The UN Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space at the current stage of development: achievements, problems, challenges.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space as a central element for the entire system of international cooperation in the studies and use of outer space, the author then evaluates its activities and cooperation mechanisms. Much attention is paid to the changes in the role of the Committee, and the development of international cooperation as a whole due to the changes in the sphere. The author also analyzes of the UNISPACE – III as one of the most effi cient forums of inter-state cooperation in cosmos. The author then comes to a conclusion on the possibility to form a similar conference in the nearest decade in order to solve the most pressing problems of the modern space law.


jurisprudence, cosmos, challenges, improvement, UNISPACE, perspectives, codifi cation, convention, consensus, cooperation.

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