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Law and Politics

Nagornaya, I.I. The object-related characteristics of the medical activity as a basis for its criminal legal protection (experience of Russia, the USA and France).

Abstract: The article is devoted to the current situation with the legal regulation of medical activity in the Russian Federation after the new law “On bases of health protection for the citizens of Russia” due to the need to form an effi cient mechanism for the criminal legal protection of life and health of citizens in the situation of provision of health services. The professional medical activity is analyzed as one of the types of economical activity, which satisfi es the specifi c needs of people, ad which is irreplaceable among the issues of supporting health in the modern world. The author points out the need for the subject-oriented understanding of medical practice and its refl ection in the legislation, which in turn should help with further understanding of the topicality of medical law, its relation to the criminal law and overcoming of certain practical problems. The article includes analysis of foreign (French and American) experience of legal regulation and criminal legal protection of medical activity, the author then analyzes application of criminal law in Russia and abroad. Based on the study the author comes to a conclusion on the need to develop new approaches to this problem.


law, medicine, regulation, protection, the USA, France, health, instrumental, subject-oriented.

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