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Law and Politics

Book review: "Criminal, Criminal Procedure and Penal Enforcement Law of Hungary" by Kristina Karshai and Zsolt Somora Hungary//International Encyclopedia of Law "Criminal Law"

Abstract: The work contains a brief, but extremely informative description of the integral mechanism of action of the national criminal legal system of Hungary - a country whose ties with the Russian legal system have been close for many years, which, of course, could not pass without a trace. The last twenty years of the development of Hungarian criminal and criminal procedure law are described as a process of adaptation to the new challenges of the current criminal situation and international obligations, on the one hand, and also as a return and, moreover, a new discovery of the classical, traditional sources of criminal law regulation, on the other hand.


yurisprudentsiya, Vengriya, ugolovnoe pravo, mekhanizm deistviya ugolovnogo prava, novellizatsii predpisanii v sootvetstvii s mezhdunarodnymi trebovaniyami, pravotvorchestvo, klassifikatsiya prestuplenii.

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1. Hungary by Kristina Karsai. Associate Professor University of Szeged and Zsolt Szomora. Senior Assistant University of Szeged. Wolters Kluwer. Law and Business. Criminal Law – Suppl. 38 (July 2010). 230-Hungary p.
2. Reprinted from International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Criminal Law, Hungary, 39, 2010, pp. 1-230, with the permission of Kluwer Law International