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Law and Politics

Vishnevskiy, G.A. Supremacy of the law and the problems of its guarantees in the process of application of law by the courts.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the theoretical interpretation of the principle of the supremacy of law, the problems of implementation of its ideas into practice. While criticizing the legal dogma on nature and contents of the principles of supremacy of law, which basically unites it with dictatorial position of the law, the author bases his position on primacy of human rights in the society and in the state, then comes to a conclusion that supremacy of human rights defines supremacy of law. The author then turns to the problem of necessity of unified application of law by the courts, which is a reflection of the constitutional principle of equality of all before the court and law. Its implementation is necessary for the supremacy of law, when dealing with legal conflicts.


jurisprudence, supremacy of law, court, unity, law, equality, law, definite character, conflict of law, application of law by the court.

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