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Law and Politics

Popov, E.A. The problem of use special terms in the judicial sociological expertise.

Abstract: The article pays much attention to the topical issues of judicial sociological expertise. The accent is not on the procedural issue of its assignment and implementation, but rather on its use within the framework of specific scientific terms and categories. The author actualizes the scientific research potential of modern sociological knowledge, in which many methodological positions and definitions are topical and ambiguous. The article includes analysis of various topical issues, which predefine the peculiarities of the expert opinion of a sociologist. The author then pays attention to the high qualification of an expert in the sphere of sociology or closely related spheres, which would allow to avoid “guessing” the methodological position, within which this or that key term or category shall be viewed.


expertise, social studies, sociology, group, society, sociality, system, transformation, reflecting, responsibility.

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