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Law and Politics

Alekseeva, O.V. Some peculiarities of the stages of formation of the modern Russian political elite.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the process of formation of the modern Russian elite. The author viewed two stages of formation of this elite “Eltsin’s” and “Putin’s”, as well as the historical and political events, which influenced this process. The process of elite formation is viewed in chronological list of key political events in Russia of late XX – early XXI centuries. The goal of this study was to analyze the key characteristics of the Russian political elite at various stages of its formation and evolution. The studies of the bases of formation and growth of Russian political elite are topical due to the topicality of the elite studies as such, and in the Russian Federation in particular.


political science, elite, political, stages, formation, elite-formation, power, state, Eltsin, Putin.

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